GuiCommand: Name: TechDraw DraftView MenuLocation: TechDraw , Views From Other Workbenches , Insert Draft Workbench Object Workbenches: TechDraw_Workbench, Draft_Workbench SeeAlso: TechDraw_ArchView
TechDraw DraftView
The TechDraw DraftView tool inserts a view of a selected Part-based or Group object into a drawing page. Unlike the standard View tool, views created with this tool are handled by the
Draft Workbench, and specially designed for showing 2D objects. See Notes.
Draft elements like circles and arrays imported into a TechDraw drawing page
- Optionally rotate the 3D view. The camera direction in the 3D view determines the initial value of the Direction property of the View.
- Select one or more objects in the 3D view or Tree view. A separate view will created for each object.
- If there are multiple drawing pages in the document: optionally add the desired page to the selection by selecting it in the Tree view.
- There are several ways to invoke the tool:
- Press the
Insert Draft Workbench Object button.
- Select the TechDraw → Views From Other Workbenches →
Insert Draft Workbench Object option from the menu.
- Press the
- If there are multiple drawing pages in the document and you have not yet selected a page, the Page Chooser dialog box opens:
- Select the desired page.
- Press the OK button.
- Creating a DraftView of a layer will recursively handle all objects found in that layer. The View is updated automatically when the contents of the layer changes
- There is no hidden line removal. Each face found in the handled object(s) will simply be projected along the Direction vector, no specific action is taken when faces overlap
- The Draft View also supports all Draft objects that are not Part-based, such as dimensions and texts
- Color, line width and line pattern can be specified in the properties. Line patterns can be fine-tuned by directly giving a stroke-dasharray value, such as 3,5
- Projected faces are filled with the face color
The DraftView is rendered within the Draft Workbench, therefore TechDraw has limited control over its appearance. You may need to make changes within Draft to get the representation you want.
See also: Property editor.
A Draft View, formally a {{Incode|TechDraw::DrawViewDraft}} object, has the properties that are common to all View types. It also has the following additional properties:
{{TitleProperty|Draft view}}
Source|Link: The Draft object to be displayed.
Line Width|Float: The width of the lines, independently of the scale.
Font Size|Float: The size of all texts appearing in this view (texts and dimensions).
Direction|Vector: The projection direction to use.
Color|Color: The color of lines.
Line Style|String: A line style to use for this view. Can be {{Value|Solid}}, {{Value|Dashed}}, {{Value|Dashdot}}, {{Value|Dot}} or an SVG line pattern like {{Value|0.20,0.20}}.
Line Spacing|Float: The spacing between lines to use for multiline texts.
Override Style|Bool: If
, line color, width and style of this view will override those of the rendered object.
{{TitleProperty|Drawing view}}
Symbol|String|Hidden: The SVG code defining this symbol.
Editable Texts|StringList: Substitution values for the editable strings in this symbol.
Owner|Link: Feature to which this symbol is attached. (v1.0)
See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
The New Draft tool can be used in macros and from the Python console by using the following functions:
dv = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewDraft','TestDraft')
dv.Source = myDraftbject
rc = page.addView(dv)
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