While Stripe doesn't support monthly donations, you can still become a sponsor! Simply make a one-time donation equivalent to 12 months of support, and you'll gain access to the corresponding sponsoring tier. It's an easy and flexible way to contribute.
If you are not sure or not able to commit to a regular donation, but still want to help the project, you can do a one-time donation, of any amount.
Choose freely the amount you wish to donate one time only.
You can support FreeCAD by sponsoring it as an individual or organization through various platforms. Sponsorship provides a steady income for developers, allowing the FPA to plan ahead and enabling greater investment in FreeCAD. To encourage sponsorship, we offer different tiers, and unless you choose to remain anonymous, your name or company logo will be featured on our website accordingly.
from 1 USD / 1 EUR per month. You will not have your name displayed here, but you will have helped the project a lot anyway. Together, normal sponsors maintain the project on its feet as much as the bigger sponsors.
from 25 USD / 25 EUR per month. Your name or company name is displayed on this page.
from 100 USD / 100 EUR per month. Your name or company name is displayed on this page, with a link to your website, and a one-line description text.
from 200 USD / 200 EUR per month. Your name or company name and logo displayed on this page, with a link to your website and a custom description text. Companies that have helped FreeCAD early on also appear under Gold sponsors.
Instead of donating each month, you might find it more comfortable to make a one-time donation that, when divided by twelve, would give you right to enter a sponsoring tier. Don't hesitate to do so!
Choose freely the amount you wish to donate each month.
Please inform your forum name or twitter handle as a notein your transfer, or reach to us, so we can give you proper credits!