GuiCommand: Name: TechDraw 3PtAngleDimension MenuLocation: TechDraw , Dimensions , Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension Workbenches: TechDraw_Workbench Version: 0.18 SeeAlso: TechDraw_AngleDimension
TechDraw 3PtAngleDimension
The TechDraw 3PtAngleDimension tool adds an angular dimension to a View. The dimension shows the interior angle between three points.
Select three points. The second point will be the apex of the angle. The geometry may be selected in the 3D view or in the drawing.
If you have selected geometry in the 3D view: add the correct TechDraw View to the selection by selecting it in the Tree view.
There are several ways to invoke the tool:
<small>(v1.0)</small> : If the **Dimensioning tools** [preference](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=TechDraw_Preferences#Dimensions) is set to {{Value|Single tool}} (default): press the down arrow to the right of the **<img src="" width=|x16px><img src="" width=x16px>** button and select the **<img src="" width=16px> Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension** option from the dropdown.
If this preference has a different value (and in {{VersionMinus|0.21}}): press the
Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension button.
Select the TechDraw → Dimensions →
Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension option from the menu.
A dimension is added to the View.
The dimension may be dragged to the desired position.
If needed, add tolerances as described on this page.
Display 3D measurement
Change properties
To change the properties of a dimension object either double-click it in the drawing or in the Tree view. This will open the Dimension dialog.
Dimension objects are vulnerable to the \"topological naming problem\". See TechDraw LengthDimension.
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