GuiCommand: Name: Sketcher BSplineInsertKnot MenuLocation: Sketch , Sketcher B-spline tools , Insert knot Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench Version: 0.20 SeeAlso: Sketcher_BSplineIncreaseKnotMultiplicity, Sketcher_BSplineDecreaseKnotMultiplicity
Sketcher BSplineInsertKnot
The Sketcher BSplineInsertKnot tool inserts a knot into a B-spline. If a knot already exists at the specified parameter its multiplicity is increased by one.
Select a B-spline.
There are several ways to invoke the tool:
Press the [
Insert knot button.
Select the Sketch → Sketcher B-spline tools →
Insert knot option from the menu.
: Right-click in the 3D view and select the
Insert knot option from the context menu.
Move the cursor to the desired location.
The current position is marked with a small circle and its parameter value is indicated.
Click to insert a knot, or click an existing knot to increase its multiplicity.
This tool always runs in continue mode: optionally keep inserting knots and/or increasing multiplicity values.
To finish, right-click or press Esc, or start geometry or constraint creation tool.
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