GuiCommand: Name: Sketcher BSplineConvertToNURBS MenuLocation: Sketch , Sketcher B-spline tools , Convert geometry to B-spline Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench Version: 0.17 SeeAlso: Sketcher_CreateBSpline
Sketcher BSplineConvertToNURBS
The Sketcher BSplineConvertToNURBS tool converts edges to B-splines.
- Select one or more edges.
- There are several ways to invoke the tool:
- Press the [
Convert geometry to B-spline button.
- Select the Sketch → Sketcher B-spline tools →
Convert geometry to B-spline option from the menu.
- Press the [
- The edges are converted.
- Make sure to have the B-spline degree, polygon, comb, multiplicity and/or weight visible, otherwise nothing seems to happen.
- If you have converted straight lines you need to increase the degree of the created B-splines to make them \"bendable\".
- The tool does not remove the internal geometry of conics. This has to be deleted manually.
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