GuiCommand: Name: Rocket FinCan MenuLocation: Rocket , Fin Can Workbenches: Rocket_Workbench Version: 0.19
Rocket FinCan
Fins are used to aerodynamically control the direction of flight. A fin can is a complete assembly including fins and body tube, often fitted over the outside of the main rocket body tube. Optionally, a fin can may include a launch lug.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Set options and press OK.
Fin Options
Fin options for the fin can are the same as for individual fins. See Fin for more details
However due to the one piece nature of fin cans, they do not have the option to include Through The Wall (TTW) tabs.
Fin Can Options
Launch Lug Options
{{TitleProperty|Fin Can}}
Fin Type: Defines the shape of the fins.
Height: The fin height.
Profile: The sketch associated with the custom fin type.
Root Chord: The distance between the fin leading and trailing edges at the root
Root Cross Section: The cross section shape of the fin at the root, see Options
Root Length 1: Usage depends on the Fin Root Cross Section and will apply to a taper length or similar, see Options
Root Length 2: Usage depends on the Fin Root Cross Section and will apply to a taper length or similar when multiple values are required, see Options
Root Per Cent: Expresses the Fin Root Length 1 and Fin Root Length 2 properties as a percentage of the Fin Root Chord
Root Thickness: Maximum thickness at the root of the fin
Sweep Angle: The angle of the front of the fin, with a vertical front being 0 degrees. This may be negative. Setting this value will cause the Sweep Length to be adjusted.
Sweep Length: The distance from the front of the fin root to the front of the fin tip along the x axis. This may be negative. Setting this value will cause the Sweep Angle to be adjusted.
Tip Chord: The distance between the fin leading and trailing edges at the tip
Tip Cross Section: The cross section shape of the fin at the tip, see Options
Tip Length 1: Usage depends on the Fin Tip Cross Section and will apply to a taper length or similar, see Options
Tip Length 2: Usage depends on the Fin Tip Cross Section and will apply to a taper length or similar when multiple values are required, see Options
Tip Per Cent: Expresses the Fin Tip Length 1 and Fin Tip Length 2 properties as a percentage of the Fin Tip Chord
Tip Thickness: Maximum thickness at the tip of the fin
{{TitleProperty|Rocket Component}}
These parameters are provided for information and have no effect on the design of the component.
Description: Description of the component
Manufacturer: Manufacturer when known
Material: Material when known
Part Number: Manufacturer part number
Tutorials and Learning
Rocket Workbench Fins Tutorial on YouTube
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