Robot Workbench
**The Robot Workbench is unmaintained. If you have experience with the topic and are interested in maintaining it, please state your intention in the developer's section of the [ FreeCAD forum].
The reason this workbench is still in the master source code is because this workbench is programmed in C++. If this workbench could be programmed in Python, then it could be made an external workbench and it could be moved to a separate repository. **
The Robot Workbench is a tool to simulate a standard 6-axis industrial robot, like Kuka.
You can do the following tasks:
- Set up a simulation environment with a robot and work pieces.
- Create and fill up movement trajectories.
- Decompose features of a CAD part to a trajectory.
- Simulate the robot movement and reaching distance.
- Export the trajectory to a robot program file.
To get started try the Robot tutorial, and see the programming interface in the example file.
Here the principal commands you can use to create a robot set-up.
The tools to create and manage the 6-Axis robots
[Create a robot](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_CreateRobot): Insert a new robot into the scene
[Simulate a trajectory](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_Simulate): Opens the simulation dialog and lets you simulate
[Export a trajectory](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_Export): Export a robot program file
[Set home position](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_SetHomePos): Set the home position of a robot
[Restore home position](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_RestoreHomePos): move the robot to its home position
Tools to create and manipulate trajectories. There are two kinds, the parametric and non parametric ones.
Non parametric trajectories
[Create a trajectory](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_CreateTrajectory): Inserts a new empty trajectory-object into the scene
[Set the default orientation](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_SetDefaultOrientation): Set the orientation way-points gets created by default
[Set the default speed parameter](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_SetDefaultValues): Set the default values for way-point creation
[Insert a waypoint](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_InsertWaypoint): Insert a way-point from the current robot position into a trajectory
[Insert a waypoint preselected](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_InsertWaypointPre): Insert a way-point from the current mouse position into a trajectory
Parametric trajectories
[Create a trajectory out of edges](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_Edge2Trac): Insert a new object which decompose edges to a trajectory
[Dress-up a trajectory](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_TrajectoryDressUp): Lets you override one or more properties of a trajectory
[Trajectory compound](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Robot_TrajectoryCompound): Create a compound out of some single trajectories
See the Robot API example for a description of the functions used to model the robot displacements.
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