GuiCommand: Name: Part Primitives MenuLocation: Part , Create primitives... Workbenches: Part_Workbench, OpenSCAD_Workbench SeeAlso: Part_Builder
Part Primitives
The Part Primitives command opens a dialog to create one or more parametric primitives. 16 primitive types are available.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
Create Primitives... button.
- Select the Part →
Create Primitives... option from the menu.
- Press the
- The Geometric Primitives task panel opens.
- Select a primitive type from the dropdown list.
- Specify the properties.
- Press the Create button.
- The primitive object is created.
- Note that the task panel stays open.
- Optionally create additional primitives.
- Press the Close button to close the task panel and finish the command.
- Double-click the primitive object in the Tree view.
- The Geometric Primitives task panel opens.
- Change one or more properties.
- The object is dynamically updated in the 3D view.
- Press the OK button.
The properties of a Part Primitive can also be changed in the Property editor, and its Placement can also be changed with the Std TransformManip command.
Geometric Primitives
The following primitives can be created:
[Plane](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Plane): Creates a plane.
[Box](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Box): Creates a box. This object can also be created with the [Box](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Box) tool.
[Cylinder](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Cylinder): Creates a cylinder. This object can also be created with the [Cylinder](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Cylinder) tool.
[Cone](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Cone): Creates a cone. This object can also be created with the [Cone](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Cone) tool.
[Sphere](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Sphere): Creates a sphere. This object can also be created with the [Sphere](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Sphere) tool.
[Ellipsoid](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Ellipsoid): Creates a ellipsoid.
[Torus](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Torus): Creates a torus. This object can also be created with the [Torus](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Torus) tool.
[Prism](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Prism): Creates a prism.
[Wedge](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Wedge): Creates a wedge.
[Helix](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Helix): Creates a helix.
[Spiral](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Spiral): Creates a spiral.
[Circle](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Circle): Creates a circular arc.
[Ellipse](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Ellipse): Creates an elliptical arc.
[Point](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Point): Creates a point.
[Line](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Line): Creates a line.
[Regular polygon](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_RegularPolygon): Creates a regular polygon.
- The Part Primitives command cannot create a
Part Tube.
See also: Autogenerated API documentation, Part scripting and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
There is a Python script to test the creation of the primitives. It can be run from the Python console:
import parttests.part_test_objects as pto
This script is located in the installation directory of the program, and can be examined to see how the basic primitives are built:
It can be used as input for the program as well:
freecad $INSTALL_DIR/Mod/Part/parttests/
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