GuiCommand:Container| {{GuiCommand Name: FEM MaterialReinforced MenuLocation: Model , Materials , Reinforced material Workbenches: FEM_Workbench SeeAlso: FEM_tutorial }} {{GuiCommandFemInfo Solvers: CalculiX }}
FEM MaterialReinforced
Creates a reinforced matrix material. It combines a matrix material (e.g. concrete) and a reinforcement material (e.g. steel).
- To create a new MaterialReinforced object do the following:
- Click the
Reinforced material (concrete) button or choose the Model → Materials →
Reinforced material (concrete) option from the menu.
- Click the
- To edit an existing MaterialReinforced object:
- Double-click it in the Tree view.
- Select the matrix material.
- Optionally press the Edit button to edit its properties. The following material properties have to be defined: Young\'s modulus, Poisson\'s ratio, compressive strength and angle of friction.
- Select the reinforcement material.
- Optionally press the Edit button to edit its properties. A yield strength has to be defined.
- In the CalculiX solver settings, one has to set Material Nonlinearity to linear if FEM MaterialMechanicalNonlinear is not used.
- More information about this feature, and an example of its usage, can be found in Analysis of reinforced concrete with FEM.
- For a video tutorial (based on the FEM Tutorial) that uses this tool, watch: FEM MaterialReinforced tutorial.
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