GuiCommand:Container| {{GuiCommand Name: FEM ElementGeometry2D MenuLocation: Model , Element Geometry , Shell plate thickness Workbenches: FEM_Workbench Shortcut: C S SeeAlso: FEM_tutorial }} {{GuiCommandFemInfo Solvers: All }}
FEM ElementGeometry2D
ElementGeometry2D is used to define the thickness of 2D (shell and (v1.0) : plane stress/strain) FEM elements, all or lying on the chosen surface.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
Shell plate thickness button.
- Select the Model → Element Geometry →
Shell plate thickness option from the menu.
- Press the
- Specify the shell thickness.
- Optionally press the Add button in the task panel and then click on the face you want to have a prescribed thickness. If the face selection is empty, all the remaining faces (whose thickness is not defined by other FEM ElementGeometry2D objects) will be automatically assigned.
- Currently, analyses combining shell elements with solid or edge elements are not supported.
: specifies the thickness of the 2D elements.
- For viewing results from CalculiX solver on the mesh expanded to the prescribed thickness, property
Beam Shell Result Output 3D
in the FEM SolverCalculixCxxtools need to be set toTrue
. - This feature uses the *SHELL SECTION card in CalculiX for shell elements and *SOLID SECTION card for plane stress/strain elements.
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