GuiCommand:Container| {{GuiCommand Name: FEM ElementFluid1D MenuLocation: Model , Element Geometry , Fluid section for 1D flow Workbenches: FEM_Workbench SeeAlso: FEM_tutorial }} {{GuiCommandFemInfo Solvers: CalculiX }}
FEM ElementFluid1D
Creates a FEM fluid section element for pneumatic and hydraulic networks solved with CalculiX.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
Fluid section for 1D flow button.
- Select the Model → Element Geometry →
Fluid section for 1D flow option from the menu.
- Press the
- Select Fluid type: Liquid, Gas or Open Channel
- Select Section type: Pipe Manning, Pipe Inlet etc.
- Enter Section type parameters.
- Select and add an edge.
- The card only works with a 3 noded network element type. Information can be found here:
- An example of the set up of a hydraulic network can be found here:
- The *FLUID SECTION card is used to model fluid elements for 1D flow.
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