GuiCommand: Name: FCGear InternalInvoluteGear MenuLocation: Gear , Internal Involute Gear Workbenches: FCGear_Workbench Shortcut: None Version: 1.0 SeeAlso: FCGear_InvoluteGear
FCGear InternalInvoluteGear
Internal involute gears from left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing
- Switch to the
FCGear Workbench.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the [
Internal Involute Gear button in the toolbar.
- Select the Gear → [
Internal Involute Gear option from the menu.
- Press the [
- Change the gear parameter to the required conditions (see Properties).
An FCGear InternalInvoluteGear object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
- numpoints|Integer: Default is {{value|6}}. Change of the involute profile. Changing the value can lead to unexpected results.
height|Length: Default is {{value|5 mm}}. Value of the gear width.
module|Length: Default is {{value|1 mm}}. Module is the ratio of the reference diameter of the gear divided by the number of teeth (see Notes).
teeth|Integer: Default is {{value|15}}. Number of teeth (see Notes).
thickness|Length: Default is {{value|5 mm}}. Thickness of the uncut outer part of the gear.
angular_backlash|Angle: (read-only)
da|Length: (read-only) Inside diameter, measured at the addendum (the tip of the teeth).
df|Length: (read-only) Root diameter, measured at the foot of the teeth.
dw|Length: (read-only) Working pitch diameter.
outside_diameter|Length: (read-only) Outside diameter.
transverse_pitch|Length: (read-only) Pitch in the plane of rotation.
head_fillet|Float: Default is {{value|0 mm}}.
root_fillet|Float: Default is {{value|0 mm}}.
beta|Angle: Default is {{value|0 °}}. With the helix angle β a helical gear is created -- positive value → rotation direction right, negative value → rotation direction left (see Notes).
double_helix|Bool: Default is {{false}}, {{true}} creates a double helix gear (see Notes).
properties_from_tool|Bool: Default is {{false}}. If {{true}} and beta is not zero, gear parameters are recomputed internally for the rotated gear.
pressure_angle|Angle: Default is {{value|20 °}} (see Notes).
shift|Float: Default is {{value|0}}. Generates a positive and negative profile shift (see Notes).
- simple|Bool: Default is {{false}}, {{true}} generates a simplified display (without teeth and only a cylinder in pitch diameter).
backlash|Length: Default is {{value|0 mm}}. Backlash, also called lash or play, is the distance between the teeth at a gear pair.
clearance|Float: Default is {{value|0.25}} (see Notes).
head|Float: Default is {{value|-0.4 mm}}. This value is used to change the tooth height.
reversed_backlash|Bool: {{true}} backlash decrease or {{false}} (default) backlash increase (see Notes).
- version|String:
See FCGear InvoluteGear.
Useful formulas
See FCGear InvoluteGear.
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