GuiCommand: Name: Curves EditableSpline MenuLocation: Curves , Freehand BSpline Workbenches: Curves_Workbench
Curves EditableSpline
The Curves EditableSpline creates a freehand B-spline curve. This tool is part of the external workbench called Curves.
- Switch to the
Curves workbench (install from
Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed).
- Optionally select vertexes, edges and/or faces:
- The number of vertexes of the spline will match the number of selected elements.
- The spline vertexes will be snapped to the selected vertexes, and to the midpoints of the selected edges and faces.
- To invoke the command, do one of the following:
- Press the
button in the Curves toolbar.
- Use the Curves → Freehand BSpline entry in the dropdown menu.
- Press the
During the command a special edit mode is active and there are several actions and behaviors that can be controlled by keys and mouse clicks.
- To move a vertex or guide line (guide lines are the straight lines between vertexes) press and hold down the left mouse button on it, and move the mouse.
- The A key selects or deselects all vertexes and guide lines.
- The I key will add a vertex to the segment belonging to the selected guide line. The new vertex will be selected.
- The T key sets or un-sets tangent mode for the selected vertexes or guide lines (relative to the view direction).
- The P key aligns selected objects.
- The S key can be used to snap a vertex to a vertex belonging to another B-spline. With a vertex of the B-spline being edited selected, hold down the Ctrl key and add the target vertex to the selection, then hit the S key. The vertexes are snapped together.
- To unsnap vertexes, select the snapped vertex pair and again hit the S key. The vertex of the B-spline being edited remains selected and can now be moved.
- The L key sets or un-sets the linear interpolation.
- The X, Y or Z keys can be used to constrain the movement of the object being dragged. While dragging, hit the desired axis key. Hit the same key again to disable the constraint.
- The Q key finishes the command and exits edit mode.
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