GuiCommand: Name: Assembly3 ConstraintEqualPointLineDistance Icon: Assembly_ConstraintEqualPointLineDistance.svg Workbenches: Assembly3_Workbench
Assembly3 ConstraintEqualPointLineDistance
The Equal point line distance command constrains two distances, each between a 2D point and a straight 2D line, to have the same value.
Select a 2D point.
Select another 2D line.
Select a 2D point.
Select another 2D line.
- Note: Don\'t forget the Control/Command key!
Activate the
Equal point line distance command using the:
**<img src="" width=16px> [Equal point line distance](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_ConstraintEqualPointLineDistance)
Press the
Solve constraints or the
Quick solve button to recompute
: (if **<img src="" width=16px> [Auto recompute](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_AutoRecompute)** and **<img src="" width=16px> [Smart recompute](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_SmartRecompute)** are disabled).
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