![Cover Photo](images/cover-photo.avif)
![Screenshot 1](images/screenshot-01.avif)
FreeCAD 是一个开源的参数化 3D 建模软件, 主要用于设计任意尺寸 的现实生活对象。参数化建模允许你轻松地通过模型历史来修改你的 设计及参数。
![Screenshot 7](images/screenshot-07.avif)
从 2D 创建 3D,反之亦可
FreeCAD 允许您绘制受几何约束的2D形状并将 它们用作构建其他对象的基础。 它包含许多组件 调整尺寸或从3D模型中提取设计细节到 创建高质量的生产就绪图纸。
For All Professional Needs...
Looking for something that contains everything you need in an industrial environment? FreeCAD is the answer. After being available for "real work" for a very long time, it finally has become official publishing version 1.0. Stop worrying about license costs and start doing all your professional work as a real owner.
...and For Everything Else
If you want to make something real, perhaps the first place you should visit is FreeCAD. Thanks to its vast arsenal of tools and fantastic community, it's possible to make anything you can imagine. Signing up? Not necessary. Approving anything? No way. What about the price? Good news, none! FreeCAD is a completely open source software, which makes it as free as a bird and consequently makes you also unchained without restrictions. Start using today, and say goodbye to your shackles.
![Screenshot 3](images/screenshot-03.avif)
FreeCAD 是一个多平台(Windows、Mac 和 Linux), 可高度自定义和扩展的软件。 它可以读写多种 开放文件格式,如 STEP、IGES、STL、SVG、DXF、OBJ、IFC、DAE。 以及许多其他功能,使其可以无缝地集成到 您的工作流。
![Screenshot 8](images/screenshot-08.avif)
FreeCAD 的设计适合广泛的用途,包括产品。 设计、机械工程和建筑专业。 无论您是。 业余爱好者、程序员、有经验的 CAD 用户、学生或。 老师,使用 FreeCAD 您会有宾至如归的感觉。
![Screenshot 5](images/screenshot-05.avif)
FreeCAD 为您提供所有满足您需求的工具。 你得到 现代有限元分析(FEA) 工具、实验性CFD、专用BIM、 地理数据工作台、CAM/CNC工作台、机器人模拟模块, 允许您研究机器人运动和更多功能。 FreeCAD 真的是通用工程的瑞士军刀 工具包。
了解详情![Screenshot 6](images/screenshot-06.avif)