Timber Workbench
This workbench is no longer developed or maintained.
A complementary workbench for FreeCAD whose main goal is to provide tools to facilitate the modeling of wooden constructions (frame, timber frame, etc ...).
- Author: Jonathan Wiedemann wood-galaxy
- Home page: https://github.com/wood-galaxy
- Source code on github: https://github.com/wood-galaxy/FreeCAD-Timber
Detailed description http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?t=12559
Timber Tools
**Repartition**: Make axis or structural system along a line
**Tag**: Add a tag to selected object(s)
Timber Listing
**Listing**: List objects
Timber Beam
**Timber Beam**: Creates a structure object from scratch or from a selected object (sketch, wire, face or solid)
**Machining Cut**: Creates a cut machining to a Timber Beam object, relative to a plane (face)
Automatic installation
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager.
From GitHub
Links to Timber WB
- Workbench Wiki:
- FreeCAD Wiki:
- FreeCAD Forum: http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?t=12559
- Tutorials:
- Videos:
- Files:
- Report bugs: Please report bugs at FreeCAD forum or https://github.com/wood-galaxy/FreeCAD-Timber/issues
Other useful links
⏵ documentation index > User Documentation > Addons > External Workbenches > Timber Workbench
This page is retrieved from https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD-documentation/blob/main/wiki/Timber_Workbench.md