GuiCommand: Name: TechDraw SpreadsheetView MenuLocation: TechDraw , Views From Other Workbenches , Insert Spreadsheet View Workbenches: TechDraw_Workbench, Spreadsheet_Workbench
TechDraw SpreadsheetView
The TechDraw SpreadsheetView tool allows you to place a view of a selected spreadsheet on a Page.
: The TechDraw View tool can also create a Spreadsheet View.
Spreadsheet element inserted in the TechDraw drawing page
- Select a spreadsheet in the Tree view.
- If there are multiple drawing pages in the document: optionally add the desired page to the selection by selecting it in the Tree view.
- Select the TechDraw → Views From Other Workbenches →
Insert Spreadsheet View option from the menu.
- If there are multiple drawing pages in the document, and if no page is displayed in the Main view area and you have not yet selected a page, the Page Chooser dialog box opens:
- Select the desired page.
- Press the OK button.
- A Spreadsheet View is inserted.
- Adjust the cell range of the view by changing its Cell Start and Cell End properties.
See also: Property editor.
A Spreadsheet View, formally a {{Incode|TechDraw::DrawViewSpreadsheet}} object, has the properties that are common to all View types. It also has the following additional properties:
{{TitleProperty|Drawing view}}
Symbol|String|Hidden: The SVG code defining this symbol.
Editable Texts|StringList|Hidden: Substitution values for the editable strings in this symbol. Not used.
Owner|Link: Feature to which this symbol is attached. (v1.0)
Source|Link: The spreadsheet to be added to the page.
Cell Start|String: The top left cell of the cell range to be included in this view.
Cell End|String: The bottom right cell of the cell range to be included in this view.
Font|Font: The name of the font used for texts.
Text Color|Color: The color of texts and lines that have no color specified in the spreadsheet.
Text Size|Float: The font size of texts.
Line Width|Float: The width of the cell borders.
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