TechDraw Preferences
The preferences for the TechDraw Workbench can be found in the Preferences Editor. In the menu select Edit → Preferences... and then
TechDraw. This group is only available if the TechDraw Workbench has been loaded in the current FreeCAD session.
There are seven pages: General, Scale, Dimensions, Annotation, Colors, HLR and Advanced.
All preferences with italic labels are default values for new drawing objects. They have no effect on existing objects.
This page has been updated for version 1.0.
![General preferences](
Drawing Update
- Update With 3D (global policy): Whether or not pages are updated every time the 3D model is changed.
- Allow Page Override (global policy): Whether or not a page\'s Keep Updated property can override the global Update With 3D parameter.
- Keep Page Up To Date: Keeps drawing pages in sync with changes of the 3D model in real time. This can slow down the response time.
- Auto-distribute Secondary Views: Automatically distributes secondary views for projection groups.
- Label Font: The name of the font for labels. The font is also used for new dimensions, changing it has no effect on existing dimensions.
- Label Size: Default size for labels.
- Projection Group Angle: If projection groups will use either first-angle (European) projection or third-angle (American) projection. See multiview projection for an explanation.
- Section Line Convention: Standard for section lines that controls the position of arrows and symbol ((v1.0) ). The options are:
- Default Template: Default template file for new pages.
- Template Directory: Starting directory for toolbar button
Insert Page using Template.
- Hatch Pattern File: Default SVG or bitmap file for hatches.
- Line Group File: Alternate file for personal line group definitions.
- Welding Directory: Default directory for toolbar button [
Add Welding Information to Leader.
- PAT File: Default PAT pattern definition file for geometric hatches.
- Pattern Name: Name of the default PAT pattern.
- Symbol Directory: Alternate directory to search for SVG symbol files.
- Show Grid: Default Show Grid setting for new pages.
- Grid Spacing: Default distance between grid lines for new pages.
- Enable Multiselection Mode: If enabled, clicking without Ctrl does not clear the existing selection. (v1.0)
View Defaults
- Use 3d Camera Direction: If checked, the 3d camera direction (or normal of a selected face) will be used as the view direction. If not checked, Views will be created as Front Views. (v1.0)
- Always Show Label: If checked, view labels will be displayed even when frames are suppressed. (v1.0)
- Snap View Alignment: If checked, Views will be snapped into alignment when dragged. (v1.0)
- View Snapping Factor: Tolerance for snapping of Views - if a View is within this fraction of View size of perfect alignment, it will snap into alignment. (v1.0)
![Scale preferences](
- Page Scale: Default scale for new pages.
- View Scale Type: Default scale for new views.
- View Custom Scale: Default scale for views if View Scale Type is Custom.
Size Adjustments
- Vertex Scale: Scale of vertex dots. Multiplier of line width.
- Center Mark Scale: Size of center marks. Multiplier of vertex size.
- Template Edit Mark: Size of template field click handles in mm (green dots).
- Welding Symbol Scale: Multiplier for size of welding symbols.
![Dimensions preferences](
- Standard and Style: The standard to be used for dimensional values. The differences between the standards are shown in the image: <img alt="Differences between the supported standards. ([Image source" src=](TechDraw_Dimension_standardization.png style="width:500px;">
: ISO Oriented - drawn according to the standard ISO 129-1, text is rotated to be parallel with the dimension line tangent.
: ISO Referencing - drawn in compliance with ISO 129-1, text is always horizontal, above the shortest possible reference line.
: ASME Inlined - drawn according to the standard ASME Y14.5M, text is horizontal, inserted in a break within the dimension line or arc.
: ASME Referencing - drawn in compliance with ASME Y14.5M, text is horizontal, short reference line is attached to one side\'s vertical center.
- Use Global Decimals: Use number of decimals from the general preferences.
- Show Units: Appends the unit (mm, in, etc.) to dimension values.
- Alternate Decimals: Number of decimals if Use Global Decimals is not selected and Dimension Format not specified.
- Dimension Format: Custom format for dimension text. Uses the printf format specifier.
- Font Size: Font size for dimension text.
- Tolerance Text Scale: Tolerance font size adjustment. Multiplier of dimension Font Size.
- Diameter Symbol: Character used to indicate diameter dimensions.
- Arrow Style: Arrowhead style for dimensions.
- Arrow Size: Arrowhead size of dimensions.
- Extension Gap Factor - ISO: Gap between dimension point and start of extension lines for ISO dimensions. (v0.21)
- Extension Gap Factor - ASME: Gap between dimension point and start of extension lines for ASME dimensions. (v0.21)
- Line Spacing - ISO: Spacing between the dimension line and dimension text for ISO dimensions. (v0.21)
- Dimensioning tools: Select the type of dimensioning tools for the toolbar. Whichever you choose, all tools are always available in the menu and through shortcuts. The options are: (v1.0)
- Single tool: A single tool for all dimensioning in the toolbar: Distance, Distance X / Y, Angle, Radius. Others in dropdown.
- Separated tools: Individual tools for each dimensioning tool.
- Both: You will have both the \'Single tool\' and the separated tools.
- Dimension tool diameter/radius mode: While using the Dimension tool you may choose how to handle circles and arcs: (v1.0)
- Auto: The tool will apply radius to arcs and diameter to circles.
- Diameter: The tool will apply diameter to all.
- Radius: The tool will apply radius to all.
![Annotation preferences](
- Section Cut Surface: Style for section cut surface. The options are:
- Hide: There is no visible surface.
- Solid Color: The surface gets the color set for Section Face
- SVG Hatch: The surface is hatched.
- PAT Hatch: The surface is geometrically hatched.
- Show Section Line in Source View: If checked, the section annotation will be drawn on the Source view. If unchecked, no section line, arrows or symbol will be shown in the Source view. (v1.0)
- Include Cut Line in Section Annotation: If checked, the cut line will be drawn on the Source view. If unchecked, only the change marks, arrows and symbols will be displayed. (v1.0)
- Complex Section Line Marks: Show marks at direction changes on ComplexSection lines. (v0.21)
- Detail View Outline Shape: Outline shape for detail views. The options are:
- Circle
- Square
- Detail View Show Matting: This checkbox controls whether or not to display the outline around a detail view. (v1.0)
- Detail Source Show Highlight: This checkbox controls whether or not to display a highlight around the detail area in the detail\'s source view. (v1.0)
- Balloon Shape: Shape of balloon annotations.
- Balloon Leader End: Default style for balloon leader line ends, see balloon properties.
- Balloon Leader Kink Length: Length of balloon leader line kink.
- Balloon Orthogonal Triangle: If Balloon Leader End is Filled Triangle, the triangle can only get a vertical or horizontal direction when the balloon is moved.
- Leader Line Auto Horizontal: Forces last leader line segment to be horizontal.
- Broken View Break Type: Default break type used to indicate BrokenViews: (v1.0)
- No Break Lines
- ZigZag Lines
- Simple Lines
- Show Center Marks: Show arc center marks in views.
- Print Center Marks: Show arc centers in printed output.
- Line Standard: Standard to be used to draw section lines in section views.
- Line Width Group: A LineGroup to set the default line widths.
- Hidden Line Style: Style of hidden lines. (v1.0)
- Section Line Style: Style for section lines.
- Detail Highlight Style: Line style of the outline shape for detail views.
- Center Line Style: Default style for centerlines.
- Break Line Style: Default style for lines used to indicate BrokenViews. (v1.0)
- Line End Cap Shape: The default (round) should almost always be the right choice. Flat or square caps are useful if you are planning to use a drawing as a 1:1 cutting guide.
![Colors preferences](
Setup of the default colors for new pages:
- Normal: Normal line color.
- Preselected: Preselection color. The color that is used to highlight objects when hovering with the mouse over them.
- Selected: Color for selected objects.
- Background: Background color around pages.
- Dimension: Color of dimension lines and text.
- Centerline: Color for centerlines.
- Detail Highlight: Line color for the outline shape of detail views.
- Grid Color: Color for all page grids.
- Template Underline: Color for the underline that marks editable texts in templates. (v1.0)
- Hidden Line: Hidden line color. This color will be used for all kinds of hidden lines.
- Section Face: Color of the section view cut surface. Only used if the setting Section Cut Surface is set to Solid Color.
- Section Line: Color of the section view cut line.
- Hatch: Hatch image color.
- Geometric Hatch: Geometric hatch pattern color.
- Vertex: Color of the selectable vertices in views.
- Leaderline: Color for new leaderlines.
- Transparent Faces: If checked, object faces will be transparent. Otherwise the set color will be used for faces.
- Light on dark: If checked text and lines will have a light color. To be used if the Page Color is dark. Transparent or light colored faces are recommended with this option. (v0.21)
- Monochrome: If checked, the set color will be used for all text and lines. (v0.21)
- Page Color: The background color of the page. (v0.21)
![HLR preferences](
HLR stands for hidden line removal.
- Use Polygon Approximation: Uses an approximation to find hidden lines. This is fast, but the result is a collection of short straight lines.
- Show Hard Lines: Shows hard and outline edges (visible lines always shown)
- Show Smooth Lines: Shows smooth lines. A smooth line is a line indicating a change between tangent surfaces, as in the transition from a flat surface to a fillet.
- Show Seam Lines: Show seam lines. A seam line is a boundary between faces.
- Show UV ISO Lines: Shows ISO lines. ISO stands for isoparametric. Here is a description what isoparametric lines (in fact curves) are.
- ISO Count: The number of ISO lines per face edge.
![Advanced preferences](
- Detect Faces: If checked, TechDraw will attempt to build faces using the line segments returned by the hidden line removal algorithm. Faces must be detected in order to use hatching, but there can be a performance penalty in complex models.
- Report Progress: Issue progress messages while building View geometry. (v0.21)
- Use New Face Finder Algorithm: If checked, the new face finder algorithm will be used instead of the original one. (v0.21)
- Auto Correct Dimension Refs: If checked, an attempt is made to update dimension references when the model changes. (v0.21)
- Show Section Edges: Highlights the border of the section cut in section views.
- Fuse Before Section: Performs a fuse operation on the input shape(s) before Section view processing.
- Switch Workbench on Click: If checked, double-clicking on a page in the tree will automatically switch to TechDraw and the page will be made visible. (v1.1)
- Allow Crazy Edges: Includes edges with unexpected geometry in results, e.g. zero lengths.
- Validate Shapes: If checked, input shapes will be checked for errors before use and invalid shapes will be skipped. It can be slower but may prevent crashes. (v1.1)
- Debug Section: Dumps intermediate results during a Section view processing.
- Debug Bad Shape: If checked, shapes that failed validation will be saved as B-rep files for later analysis. (v1.1)
- Debug Detail: Dumps intermediate results during a Detail view processing.
- Overlap Edges Scrub Passes: The number of attempts to remove overlapping edges returned by the Hidden Line Removal algorithm. A value of 0 indicates no scrubbing. Values above 2 are generally not productive. Each attempt adds to the time required to produce the drawing. (v0.21)
- Edge Fuzz: Size of selection area around edges. The fuzz unit is approximately 0.1 mm, depending on your current zoom. The default is 10. Values in the 20-30 range will make it noticeably easier to select edges. Large numbers will cause overlaps with other drawing elements.
- Mark Fuzz: Selection area around center marks. The fuzz unit is approximately 0.1 mm, depending on your current zoom.
- Max SVG Hatch Tiles: The limit of SVG tiles with a size of 64x64 pixels used to hatch a single face. For large scalings one might get an error about to many SVG tiles, then one needs to increase the tile limit.
- Max PAT Hatch Segments: The maximum hatch line segments used when hatching a face with a PAT pattern.
- Balloon Drag: Modifier key for balloon drag can be changed from the default here to avoid conflicts with OS or navigation style key bindings. (v1.0)
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