GuiCommand: Name: Std ProjectUtil MenuLocation: Tools , Document utility... Workbenches: All
Std ProjectUtil
With the Std ProjectUtil command you can extract files from a FreeCAD project file (*.FCStd), which is in fact a ZIP file, and, after manual edits, create a new project file from them.
The Project utility dialog box
Extract project
- Select the Tools →
Document utility... option from the menu.
- The Project utility dialog box opens.
- Press the ... button to the right of Extract project → Source.
- Select the *.FCStd file you want to edit.
- Press the ... button to the right of Extract project → Destination.
- Select a folder where the project file should be extracted. It is advisable to select an empty folder.
- Press the Extract button.
- Press the Close button to close the dialog box.
Manual edits
It is important to realize that the files inside a FreeCAD project file are interlinked. Only editing a single file will typically lead to errors. To make consistent edits across multiple files use a good code editor, such as Notepad++ (for the Windows OS) or Notepadqq (for Linux OS).
Create project
- Select the Tools →
Project utility... option from the menu.
- The Project utility dialog box opens.
- Press the ... button to the right of Create project → Source.
- Select the Document.xml file. The command will be automatically find all linked files.
- Press the ... button to the right of Create project → Destination.
- Select a folder where the new project file should be created.
- Press the Create button.
- A new project file with a fixed name, project.fcstd, is created in the selected folder. There is no warning if a file with that name already exists.
- Optionally check the Load project file after creation checkbox.
- Press the Close button to close the dialog box.
- For more information about the FreeCAD project file format see File Format FCStd.
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