Std Base
Std Base is not really a workbench, but rather a category of \'standard\' commands and tools that can be used in all workbenches.
Most Std Base tools can be accessed from the standard menu. Those that are only available via a toolbar or a context menu are listed under Structure toolbar and Additional tools below.
Standard menu
The standard menu is composed of 7 sub-menus. Each sub-menu has a dedicated page. Just click on any of the names below.
{{StdMenu | File Edit View Tools Macro Windows Help }}
Structure toolbar
[Create part](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_Part): Creates a new part and makes it active.
Create datums:
[Create coordinate system](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_CoordinateSystem): Creates a coordinate system object that can be attached to other objects. (v1.1)
[Create datum plane](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_DatumPlane): Creates a datum plane object that can be attached to other objects. (v1.1)
[Create datum line](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_DatumLine): Creates a datum line object that can be attached to other objects. (v1.1)
[Create datum point](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_DatumPoint): Creates a datum point object that can be attached to other objects. (v1.1)
[Create group](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_Group): Creates a new group.
Link tools:
[Make link](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkMake): Creates a link.
[Make sub-link](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkMakeRelative): Creates a sub-object or sub-element link.
[Replace with link](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkReplace): Replaces object(s) with new link(s).
[Unlink](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkUnlink): Replaces link(s) with their linked object(s).
[Import link](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkImport): Imports selected external link(s).
[Import all links](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkImportAll): Imports all external link(s).
[Create a variable set](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_VarSet): Creates a set of properties that can be used as variables in [expressions](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Expressions). (v1.0)
Additional tools
[Make link group](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_LinkMakeGroup): Creates a group of links.
Copy selected: Copies expression data from selected objects to the Clipboard.
Copy active document: Copies expression data from the active document to the Clipboard.
Copy all documents: Copies expression data from all documents to the Clipboard.
Paste: Pastes expression data from the Clipboard.
[Selection filter](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_SelectFilter): (v1.0)
[Vertex selection](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_SelectFilter#Vertex_selection): Only allows the selection of vertices.
[Edge selection](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_SelectFilter#Edge_selection): Only allows the selection of edges.
[Face selection](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_SelectFilter#Face_selection): Only allows the selection of faces.
[All selection filters cleared](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_SelectFilter#All_selection_filters_cleared): Allows the selection of all subelements.
[Select all instances](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_TreeSelectAllInstances): Selects all instances of an object in the [Tree view](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Tree_view).
[Toggle freeze](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_ToggleFreeze): Toggles the freeze state of objects. (v1.0)
Obsolete tools
[Clear measurement](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=View_Measure_Clear_All): Clears [Part](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Part_Workbench) measurements. Not available in (v1.0) . Use [Std Measure](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_Measure) instead.
[Toggle measurement](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=View_Measure_Toggle_All): Toggles the display of Part measurements. Not available in (v1.0) . Use [Std Measure](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_Measure) instead.
[Measure distance](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_MeasureDistance): Creates an object to measure and display a distance. Not available in (v1.0) . Use [Std Measure](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Std_Measure) instead.
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