TutorialInfo: Topic: Part Scripting - Ball Bearing #1 Level: Beginner Time: 30 min Author: r-frank FCVersion: 0.16.6706 Files: }}
This tutorial is meant as a beginner\'s introduction to creating parts with python scripts within FreeCAD. This tutorial will cover how to build a ball bearing with a CSG-workflow. The code will produce a new FreeCAD document with 12 shapes . It will look like this: !{width="400"}
The workflow is more or less identical how you would create the part in part workbench. Just some small differences. *Create a new empty document and make it the active document
- Insert Cylinder
- Insert Cylinder
- Do boolean cut to get basic shape of inner ring
- Select all edges and apply a fillet
- Insert torus
- Move torus into position and do a boolean cut to create the groove for the balls
- Repeat all steps for getting the shape for the outer ring
- Insert first ball
- Insert other balls using math to calculate the position of the balls
- Set view to axometric
- Zoom to fit all
Filleting edges
In part workbench using the GUI, you would select chamfers in the 3D view or in the menu for fillets and then apply the fillets. Here we select all edges of a shape and apply fillets. Therefore we need to select the edges BEFORE creating the groove.
This tutorial is using part primitives and boolean operations, which can be performance consuming. For doing a scripted part with revolved sketches have a look at the tutorial Scripted Parts: Ball Bearing - Part 2.
Scripted objects: The wiki page explaing the basics of scripting Topological data scripting: A tutorial for covering basics of scripting Scripted Parts: Ball Bearing - Part 2: Doing it with sketches Bearing Script 1: Base for this tutorial, thanks to JMG ...
{{Code code:
Ball-bearing script
11.08.2016 by r-frank
based on ball bearing script by JMG
needed for inserting primitives
import Part
needed for calculating the positions of the balls
import math
needed for translation of torus
from FreeCAD import Base
first coordinate of center of ball
second coordinate of center of ball
Create new document
App.newDocument App.setActiveDocument App.ActiveDocument=App.getDocument Gui.ActiveDocument=Gui.getDocument
Inner Ring
B1=Part.makeCylinder B2=Part.makeCylinder IR=B2.cut
get edges and apply fillets
Bedges=IR.Edges IRF=IR.makeFillet
create groove and show shape
T1=Part.makeTorus T1.translate) InnerRing=IRF.cut Part.show
Outer Ring
B3=Part.makeCylinder B4=Part.makeCylinder OR=B4.cut
get edges and apply fillets
Bedges=OR.Edges ORF=OR.makeFillet
create groove and show shape
T2=Part.makeTorus T2.translate) OuterRing=ORF.cut Part.show
for i in range: Ball=Part.makeSphere Alpha=/NBall BV=,CBall*math.sin,TH/2) Ball.translate Part.show
Make it pretty
App.activeDocument.recompute Gui.activeDocument.activeView.viewAxometric Gui.SendMsgToActiveView
Scripted Parts: Ball Bearing - Part 1
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