TutorialInfo: Topic: Placement Level: Beginner Author: Simbioz Time: 5 minutes FCVersion: 0.19 or above Files: none
Warning: This is my sandbox where I test things
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How to change the origin of a part
This brief tutorial will teach you how to change the origin coordinates of a part to a given location.
- FreeCAD 0.19 or later
- Lattice 2 WB
- Basic FreeCAD Gui understanditg
Changing Placement
Assuming you have already created a Part with the Part Workbench, you now want to change it\'s origin coordinates to somewhere else on/within the part.
Go to the Lattice2 Workbench and create an
Attachable Placement, select where you want the new origin to be located, the
Part EditAttachment utility will appear.
object and select an attachment mode in the attachment tab.
1. create an attached placement. attach it to your object, so that it is the origin you want. 2. create a new placement, \"XY plane\" 3. select the object, the attached placement, and \"XY plane\" placement, and apply \"Populate with copies: moved object\" command. -> done, a moved copy of the object is created.
Run a python script
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