All property types
Custom scripted objects can use any of the property types defined in the base system:
| Property Type |
| |
| Bool
| |
| |
| Float
| |
| |
| FloatList
| |
| |
| FloatConstraint
| |
| |
| Angle
| |
| |
| Distance
| |
| |
| ExpressionEngine
| |
| |
| Integer
| |
| |
| IntegerConstraint
| |
| |
| Percent
| |
| |
| Enumeration
| |
| |
| IntegerList
| |
| |
| String
| |
| |
| StringList
| |
| |
| Length
| |
| |
| Link
| |
| |
| LinkList
| |
| |
| LinkSubList
| |
| |
| Matrix
| |
| |
| Vector
| |
| |
| VectorList
| |
| |
| VectorDistance
| |
| |
| Placement
| |
| |
| PlacementLink
| |
| |
| PythonObject
| |
| |
| Color
| |
| |
| ColorList
| |
| |
| Material
| |
| |
| Path
| |
| |
| File
| |
| |
| FileIncluded
| |
| |
| PartShape
| |
| |
| FilletContour
| |
| |
| Circle
| |
| Property Type |
| |
| Bool
| |
| |
| Float
| |
| |
| FloatList
| |
| |
| FloatConstraint
| |
| |
| Angle
| |
| |
| Distance
| |
| |
| ExpressionEngine
| |
| |
| Integer
| |
| |
| IntegerConstraint
| |
| |
| Percent
| |
| |
| Enumeration
| |
| |
| IntegerList
| |
| |
| String
| |
| |
| StringList
| |
| |
| Length
| |
| |
| Link
| |
| |
| LinkList
| |
| |
| LinkSubList
| |
| |
| Matrix
| |
| |
| Vector
| |
| |
| VectorList
| |
| |
| VectorDistance
| |
| |
| Placement
| |
| |
| PlacementLink
| |
| |
| PythonObject
| |
| |
| Color
| |
| |
| ColorList
| |
| |
| Material
| |
| |
| Path
| |
| |
| File
| |
| |
| FileIncluded
| |
| |
| PartShape
| |
| |
| FilletContour
| |
| |
| Circle
| |
Internally, the property name is prefixed with App::Property
Remember that these are property types. A single object may have many properties of the same type, but with different names.
For example:
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Length")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Width")
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "Height")
This indicates an object with three properties of type \"Float\", named \"Length\", \"Width\", and \"Height\", respectively.
⏵ documentation index > Sandbox:C4e
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