Macro TemplateHelper
{{Macro |Name=Macro TemplateHelper |Description=This macro generates a template to use with the TechDraw workbench and adds a new page with a new template object to the active dokument, ready to place views on it. And it can supply a bill of material (BOM), if wanted. |Author=FBXL5 |Date=2023-12-26 |Version=00.02 |SeeAlso=TechDraw TemplateGenerator }}
If you are tired of retyping information whenever you insert another page into your FreeCAD document or if you prefer a \"drawn\" bill of material (BOM) over an inserted spread sheet this macro is for you.
This macro generates a TechDraw template on the fly and inserts it into the active document, ready to get new views added.
If you wish, you can fill the space between the title block and the upper border of the drawing area with a BOM. You choose how many lines you need or if you fill the whole space.
Open a FreeCAD file or add a new one.
Find the macro file in your macro directory using
Macros... and select it.
: (The Script section below describes how to put it there.)
Press Execute to start the macro.
Select the page format.
Select the language for the title block.
If you need a BOM change the number of rows:
: You can use the right mouse button to reset to 0 or : to set the maximum number of rows that fits on your chosen page size.
Click OK to finish.
Dialogue window
English is default and just one version, but maybe someone likes to distinguish \'merican and bri\'ish English in the future... :-D
The Macro should be found in the macro directory. To put it there, you need to:
- Select the macro below (from #! pyth... to ...main()).
- Copy the selection.
- Create a new macro file using
Macros... and select Create.
- Type in the name (TemplateHelper) and select OK. (.FCMacro is added automatically.)
- Paste the clipboard content into the Editor window.
- Press
Execute macro to start the macro.
! python
-- coding: utf-8 --
(c) 2021 , LGPL
Thanks to WRS for some very helpful suggestions.
""" This script generates or overwrites a TechDraw Template file (MyTemplate.svg) and then adds it to the active FreeCAD document.
GUI section:
- It reads the Language parameter from the preferences to customise the user interface (DE and EN are finished and I tried my best with IT and FR)
- It checks if you have assigned a template directory in your TechDraw preferences yet!
- It checks if a FreeCAD file is opened. If either is False nothing will be generated.
- You can choose a language for the title block labelling (fix texts). (DE, EN, IT, FR available)
- You can choose one from several drawing formats. (ISO is finished but ANSI and Arch formats need tweaking)
- If you need a bill of material you can enter the needed number of rows (lines). Right mouse action lets you reset the value to (default) 0 or to the maximum of rows which was set when the format was chosen.
- You can choose to cancel or to execute the creation.
Template creation: 8. A template file (MyTemplate.svg) will be generated and saved into your template directory. (You can use it like any other template or save it for later reuse until it is overwritten by the next macro run)
Insertion sction: 9. It adds new page object and a new temlate object to the active FreeCAD file. 10. "MyTemplate.svg" is loaded into the templated object. 11. Some editable texts are altered depending on allready existing pages: On all first page:
- author's name
- date of creation (current date)
- format On any but the first page these are copied from the first page to the current:
- Owner's details
- Copyright info
- Title and part number
- CAD version and the total number of sheets is updated on all Pages In contrast to manually inserted pages and templates these pages and templates are numbered with only 2 digits and afterwards their labels are changed from page to Blatt/Sheet/Feuille/Pagina + the two digit number.
Some entries could be handled by follow-up macros now.
!!! It is strongly recommended to save,close and reopen the active document before adding another page, especially with another format. The previously generated editable texts will slip to the !!! current positions of the newly generated ones
I have tried to follow this naming rule: class names: CamelCase function names: mixedCase constant names: ALL_CAPITAL + underscore variable names: lower_case + underscore """
Name= "Template Helper" Comment = "Template generator, Page adder, BOM provider" Author = "FBXL5" Version = "00.02" Date = "2023-12-26" License = "LGPL-2.0-or-later as FreeCAD" Web = "" Wiki = "" Icon = "" IconW = "" Help = "Start the macro and see what happens" Status = "Alpha" Requires = "FreeCAD >= 0.19 + Python3 " Communication = " FBXL5" Files = ""
imports and constants
import time, os # built-in modules from PySide2 import QtCore from PySide2.QtWidgets import (QDialog, QPushButton, QLabel, QComboBox, QLineEdit, QAction, QDoubleSpinBox)
- SVG creation -
class ToteBag: pass
This class is empty to act as a container for several variables
borders = ToteBag() #- one bag for drawing border offsets sheet_format = ToteBag() #- one bag for page dimensions title_block = ToteBag() #- one bag for title block static texts bom_list = ToteBag() #- one bag for bill of material owner_data = ToteBag() #- one bag for owner's data and copyright info
class InputWindow(QDialog): """ This provides a user interface to set some properties. """ def init(self): super(InputWindow, self).init() self.initUI()
def initUI(self):
# set some defaut values
#- Get the path to the template folder that is set in the FreeCAD parameters
parameter_path = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/TechDraw/Files")
template_path = parameter_path.GetString("TemplateDir")
template_name = "MyTemplate.svg"
#- Link template_path and template_name for any OS
self.template_file = os.path.join(template_path, template_name)
parameter_path = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/General")
app_language = parameter_path.GetString("Language")
self.result = "Cancelled" # Default return status
# the window has 640 x 480 pixels and is centered by default
#- set window dimensions
if template_path == "":
# create some labels
self.text_template_directory = ("" +
"You haven't assigned a template directory \n" +
"in your TechDraw preferences yet! \n\n" +
"Have a look at: \n Preferenes \n - TechDraw \n - " +
"General \n - Template Directory")
self.label_format = QLabel(self.text_template_directory, self)
background-color: #f0ddbb;
font-size: 14px;
#- OK button
self.ok_button = QPushButton(self.text_ok, self)
self.ok_button.move(200, 300)
elif FreeCAD.activeDocument() == None:
# create some labels
self.text_template_directory = ("" +
"No active FreeCAD file found! \n\n" +
"Open a FreeCAD file before \n" +
"launching this macro. \n")
self.label_format = QLabel(self.text_template_directory, self)
background-color: #f0ddbb;
font-size: 22px;
#- OK button
self.ok_button = QPushButton(self.text_ok, self)
self.ok_button.move(200, 300)
# create some labels
self.label_format = QLabel(self.text_format, self)
self.label_format.move(20, 90)
self.label_language = QLabel(self.text_language, self)
self.label_language.move(20, 20)
self.label_BOM_rows = QLabel(self.text_bom, self)
self.label_BOM_rows.move(20, 160)
self.label_warning = QLabel(self.text_warning, self)
self.label_warning.move(20, 260)
# set up lists for pop-ups
self.format_list = ("ISO A0","ISO A1","ISO A2","ISO A3","ISO A4","ISO A4-",\
"Arch A","Arch B","Arch C","Arch D","Arch E","Arch E1")
self.language_list = ("DE","FR","IT","UK","US")
# create some result containers and set default values
self.result_format = "ISO A4"
self.result_language = "UK"
# create some input elements
#- set up pop-up menu - ComboBox - Format
self.popup_format = QComboBox(self)
self.popup_format.move(200, 100)
self.popup_format.setCurrentIndex(self.format_list.index("ISO A4"))
#- set up pop-up menu - ComboBox - Language
self.popup_language = QComboBox(self)
self.popup_language.move(200, 20)
# set up text input field - Number of BOM rows
self.input_BOM_rows = QDoubleSpinBox(self)
self.input_BOM_rows.setMaximum(34) # default value for ISO A4
self.input_BOM_rows.setDecimals(0) # no decimals
self.input_BOM_rows.setValue(0) # no BOM as default
self.input_BOM_rows.move(200, 180)
# set contextual menu options for text editing widget
# reset text field to default
self.BOM_action1 = QAction(self)
# set tex maximum
self.BOM_action2 = QAction(self)
# define RMB-menu and add options
#- cancel button
self.cancel_button = QPushButton(self.text_cancel, self)
self.cancel_button.setAutoDefault(False) # no AutoDefault with okButton!
self.cancel_button.move(80, 300)
#- OK button
self.ok_button = QPushButton(self.text_ok, self)
self.ok_button.move(200, 300)
# now make the window visible
def setWindowTexts(self, lang):
if lang == "German":
self.text_format = "Gewünschtes Blattformat \nauswählen"
self.text_language = "Sprache für Schriftfeld \nund Stückliste auswählen"
self.text_bom = ("Bei Bedarf \nAnzahl erforderlicher"+
" \nStücklistenzeilen eingeben")
self.text_window = "Dialogfenster"
self.text_cancel = "Abbrechen"
self.text_ok = "OK"
self.text_none = "Keine"
self.text_maximum = "Maximal"
self.text_warning = ("Nicht vergessen, die Datei zu \nSpeichern, Schließen " +
"und wieder zu Öffnen!")
self.tooltip_format = ("Die Auswahl eines Blattformats \nsetzt "+
"die Anzahl der Stücklistenzeilen \nauf 0 zurück")
self.tooltip_language = "Sprache des Schriftfeldes auswählen"
self.tooltip_bom = ("Die Anzahl der \nStücklistenzeilen"+
" \neingeben oder mit \nder rechten Maustaste \n\"Keine\" oder \n\"Maximal\" auswählen")
elif lang == "French":
self.text_format = "Sélectionnez le format \nde page de votre choix"
self.text_language = "Sélectionnez language de le \ncartouche et la liste des pièces"
self.text_bom = "Entrer nombre de lignes \npour la liste des pièces, \nau besoin"
self.text_window = "Fenêtre de dialogue"
self.text_cancel = "Annuler"
self.text_ok = "OK"
self.text_none = "Aucun"
self.text_maximum = "Maximum"
self.text_warning = "Don't forget to Save, Close \nand Reopen the file!"
self.tooltip_format = ("Selecting a sheet format \n"+
"resets the number \nof BOM rows to 0")
self.tooltip_language = "Select language of the title block"
self.tooltip_bom = ("Enter the number \nof BOM rows or use \n"+
"right mouse buton \nto select \"Aucun\" or \n\"Maximum\"")
elif lang == "Italian":
self.text_format = "Selezionare il formato \ndesiderato"
self.text_language = "Selezionare lingua del \ncartiglio e la lista dei pezzi"
self.text_bom = "Inserire numero delle linee \nper la lista dei pezzi, \nall'occorrenza"
self.text_window = "Finestra di dialogo"
self.text_cancel = "Annulla"
self.text_ok = "OK"
self.text_none = "Nessuno"
self.text_maximum = "Massimo"
self.text_warning = "Don't forget to Save, Close \nand Reopen the file!"
self.tooltip_format = ("Selecting a sheet format \n"+
"resets the number \nof BOM rows to 0")
self.tooltip_language = "Select language of the title block"
self.tooltip_bom = ("Enter the number \nof BOM rows or use \n"+
"right mouse buton \nto select \"Nessuno\" or \n\"Massimo\"")
self.text_format = "Select desired \nsheet format"
self.text_language = "Select language for \nthe title block and BOM"
self.text_bom = "Enter number of rows \nfor a BOM, if required"
self.text_window = "Dialogue window"
self.text_cancel = "Cancel"
self.text_ok = "OK"
self.text_none = "None"
self.text_maximum = "Maximum"
self.text_warning = "Don't forget to Save, Close \nand Reopen the file!"
self.tooltip_format = ("Selecting a sheet format \n"+
"resets the number \nof BOM rows to 0")
self.tooltip_language = "Select language of the title block"
self.tooltip_bom = ("Enter the number \nof BOM rows or use \n"+
"right mouse buton \nto select \"None\" or \n\"Maximum\"")
def onPopupFormat(self, selected_text):
self.result_format = selected_text
# WRS suggestion:
max_row = 0
# Set the maximum number of rows for the chosen format
if selected_text == "ISO A4-":
max_row = 18
elif selected_text == "ISO A4":
max_row = 34
elif selected_text =="ISO A3":
max_row = 34
elif selected_text =="ISO A2":
max_row = 54
elif selected_text =="ISO A1":
max_row = 83
elif selected_text =="ISO A0":
max_row = 125
elif selected_text =="ANSI A":
max_row = 31
elif selected_text =="ANSI B":
max_row = 31
elif selected_text =="ANSI C":
max_row = 56
elif selected_text =="ANSI D":
max_row = 78
elif selected_text =="ANSI E":
max_row = 128
elif selected_text =="Arch A":
max_row = 35
elif selected_text =="Arch B":
max_row = 35
elif selected_text =="Arch C":
max_row = 61
elif selected_text =="Arch D":
max_row = 86
elif selected_text =="Arch E":
max_row = 137
elif selected_text =="Arch E1":
max_row = 111
max_row = 0
self.input_BOM_rows.setMaximum(max_row) # max. value for selectd format
self.input_BOM_rows.setValue(0) # reset default value
def onPopupLanguage(self, selected_text):
self.result_language = selected_text
def onBOMAction1(self):
# no bill of material
def onBOMAction2(self):
# max. rows for selected format
def onCancel(self):
self.result = "Cancelled"
def onOk(self):
self.result = "OK"
- set values according to ISO, ANSI, Arch
def setBorderValues(format):
customise values if needed
# I assume ANSI and Arch need different values but as long as I'm not sure
# these settings are quite redundant but are not removed
if format[0:3] == "ANS":
borders.drawing_area_top = 10 # distance from page boundary
borders.drawing_area_bottom = 10
borders.drawing_area_left = 20
borders.drawing_area_right = 10
borders.sheet_frame_top = 5 # distance from drawing area border
borders.sheet_frame_bottom = 5
borders.sheet_frame_left = 5
borders.sheet_frame_right = 5
elif format[0:3] == "Arc":
borders.drawing_area_top = 10 # distance from page boundary
borders.drawing_area_bottom = 10
borders.drawing_area_left = 20
borders.drawing_area_right = 10
borders.sheet_frame_top = 5 # distance from drawing area border
borders.sheet_frame_bottom = 5
borders.sheet_frame_left = 5
borders.sheet_frame_right = 5
elif format == "ISO A4-":
borders.drawing_area_top = 20 # distance from page boundary
borders.drawing_area_bottom = 10
borders.drawing_area_left = 10
borders.drawing_area_right = 10
borders.sheet_frame_top = 5 # distance from drawing area border
borders.sheet_frame_bottom = 5
borders.sheet_frame_left = 5
borders.sheet_frame_right = 5
borders.drawing_area_top = 10 # distance from page boundary
borders.drawing_area_bottom = 10
borders.drawing_area_left = 20
borders.drawing_area_right = 10
borders.sheet_frame_top = 5 # distance from drawing area border
borders.sheet_frame_bottom = 5
borders.sheet_frame_left = 5
borders.sheet_frame_right = 5
def setSheetDimensions(format): if format[0:3] == "ANS": if format[-1:] == "A": sheet_format.width = "216" sheet_format.height = "279" elif format[-1:] == "B": sheet_format.width = "432" sheet_format.height = "279" elif format[-1:] == "C": sheet_format.width = "559" sheet_format.height = "432" elif format[-1:] == "D": sheet_format.width = "864" sheet_format.height = "559" else: # E sheet_format.width = "1118" sheet_format.height = "864" elif format[0:3] == "Arc": if format[-1:] == "A": sheet_format.width = "229" sheet_format.height = "305" elif format[-1:] == "B": sheet_format.width = "457" sheet_format.height = "305" elif format[-1:] == "C": sheet_format.width = "610" sheet_format.height = "457" elif format[-1:] == "D": sheet_format.width = "914" sheet_format.height = "610" elif format[-1:] == "E": sheet_format.width = "1219" sheet_format.height = "914" else: # E1 sheet_format.width = "1067" sheet_format.height = "762" else: # ISO if format[-2:] == "4-": sheet_format.width = "297" sheet_format.height = "210" elif format[-1:] == "4": sheet_format.width = "210" sheet_format.height = "297" elif format[-1:] == "3": sheet_format.width = "420" sheet_format.height = "297" elif format[-1:] == "2": sheet_format.width = "594" sheet_format.height = "420" elif format[-1:] == "1": sheet_format.width = "841" sheet_format.height = "594" else: # A0 sheet_format.width = "1189" sheet_format.height = "841" print(format, sheet_format.width, sheet_format.height)
def setTitleBlockStaticTexts(language):
Labels for the text entry fields in chosen language
if language == "DE":
title_block.author_name = "Ersteller:"
title_block.date_of_creation = "Datum:"
title_block.supervisor_name = "Prüfer:"
title_block.date_of_approval = "Datum:"
title_block.sheet_format = "Format:"
title_block.sheet_scale = "Maßstab:"
title_block.weight = "Gewicht:"
title_block.owner = "Eigentümer:"
title_block.version = "Version:"
title_block.sheet_count = "Blatt:"
elif language == "FR":
title_block.author_name = "Dessinateur:"
title_block.date_of_creation = "Date:"
title_block.supervisor_name = "Validé par:"
title_block.date_of_approval = "Date:"
title_block.sheet_format = "Format:"
title_block.sheet_scale = "Échelle:"
title_block.weight = "Poids:"
title_block.owner = "Société:"
title_block.version = "Version:"
title_block.sheet_count = "Feuille:"
elif language == "IT":
title_block.author_name = "Nome Progettista:"
title_block.date_of_creation = "Data:"
title_block.supervisor_name = "Supervisore:"
title_block.date_of_approval = "Data:"
title_block.sheet_format = "Formato:"
title_block.sheet_scale = "Scala:"
title_block.weight = "Peso:"
title_block.owner = "Ditta:"
title_block.version = "Numero di Versione:"
title_block.sheet_count = "Pagina:"
title_block.author_name = "Author Name:"
title_block.date_of_creation = "Date:"
title_block.supervisor_name = "Supervisor Name:"
title_block.date_of_approval = "Date:"
title_block.sheet_format = "Format:"
title_block.sheet_scale = "Scale:"
title_block.weight = "Weight:"
title_block.owner = "Owner:"
title_block.version = "Version:"
title_block.sheet_count = "Sheet:"
def setBillOfMaterialTexts(language):
Labels for the BOM bottom line in chosen language
if language == "DE":
bom_list.position = "Pos."
bom_list.amount = "Menge"
bom_list.unit = "Einheit"
bom_list.title = "Benennung"
bom_list.number = "Sachnummer"
bom_list.material = "Werkstoff"
bom_list.mass = "Masse"
bom_list.remark = "Bemerkung"
bom_list.position = "Pos."
bom_list.amount = "Qty."
bom_list.unit = "Unit"
bom_list.title = "Title"
bom_list.number = "Part number"
bom_list.material = "Material"
bom_list.mass = "Mass"
bom_list.remark = "Remark"
- Function to generate an svg-instruction to draw a rectangle with the given values
def svgrect(width,height,x,y): svg_line=("<rect width=\""+width+"\" height=\""+height+"\" x=\""+x+"\" y=\""+y+"\" />") return svg_line
- Function to generate an svg-instruction to draw a path element (line) with the given values
def svgpath(x1,y1,x2,y2): if x2=="v" or x2=="V" or x2=="h" or x2=="H": svg_line=("<path d=\"m "+x1+","+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2+"\" />") else: svg_line=("<path d=\"m "+x1+","+y1+" l "+x2+","+y2+"\" />") return svg_line
- Function to generate an svg-instruction to place a text element with the given values
def svgtext(posX,posY,strValue): svg_line=("<text x=\""+posX+"\" y=\""+posY+"\">"+strValue+"") return svg_line
- Function to generate an svg-instruction to place an editable text element with the given values
def FCeditext(entryName,posX,posY,strValue):
svg_line=("<text freecad:editable=\""+entryName+"\" x=\""+posX+"\" y=\""+posY \
- Create a file and insert a header line
def createSvgFile(file_path): t=open(file_path, "w") # w = write, overwrites existing files t.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>") t.close
- Create opening svg-tag
Namespace section
def startSvg(file_path): t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
a = append, new lines are added at the end of an existing file
# encoding="utf-8", helps with special characters if the Python interpreter is in ASCII mode
t.write(" xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\"\n")
t.write(" xmlns:freecad=\"\"\n")
Sheet size section
def createSheet(file_path):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" width =\""+sWidth+"mm\"\n")
t.write(" height=\""+sHeight+"mm\"\n")
t.write(" viewBox=\"0 0 "+sWidth+" "+sHeight+"\">\n")
# identical values for width and height and Viewbox' width and height will synchronise mm and svg-units
- Create closing svg-tag
def endSvg(file_path): t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") t.write("") t.close
- Frame creation
def createFrame(file_path): t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") t.write(" <g id=\"drawing-frame\"\n") t.write(" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.5;\ stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAT = borders.drawing_area_top
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAL = borders.drawing_area_left
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
sFT = borders.sheet_frame_top
sFB = borders.sheet_frame_bottom
sFL = borders.sheet_frame_left
sFR = borders.sheet_frame_right
# inner Frame, drawing area
#- upper left corner
#- lower right corner
t.write(" \n")
#- frame dimensions
#- frame rectangle
t.write(" "+svgrect(drawingWidth,drawingHeight,drawingX,drawingY)+"\n")
# outer frame
#- upper left corner
#- lower right corner
t.write(" \n")
#- frame dimensions
#- frame rectangle
t.write(" "+svgrect(drawingWidth,drawingHeight,drawingX,drawingY)+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
- Indexes and folding marks creation
def createDecoration(file_path): t = open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") t.write(" <g id=\"index-separators\"\n") t.write(" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.25;\ stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAT = borders.drawing_area_top
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAL = borders.drawing_area_left
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
sFT = borders.sheet_frame_top
sFB = borders.sheet_frame_bottom
sFL = borders.sheet_frame_left
sFR = borders.sheet_frame_right
#- starting point values of center lines
#- centre and middle markings of drawing area
if sWidth=="210": # format=="DIN-A4":
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexLeft,indexMiddle,"h","-15")+"\n")
elif sWidth == "297": # format=="DIN-A4-":
indexUpper = str(dAT)
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexCenter,indexUpper,"v","-15")+"\n")
elif sWidth=="420": # format=="DIN-A3":
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexCenter,indexUpper,"v","-10")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexCenter,indexLower,"v"," 10")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexLeft,indexMiddle,"h","-20")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexRight,indexMiddle,"h"," 10")+"\n")
else :
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexCenter,indexUpper,"v","-10")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexCenter,indexLower,"v"," 10")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexLeft,indexMiddle,"h","-10")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexRight,indexMiddle,"h"," 10")+"\n")
#- starting point values of separator lines
indexLeft =str(dAL)
#- set number of horizontal and vertical indexes
# this needs to be extended for American formats
if sWidth=="420": # format=="DIN-A3":
elif sWidth=="594": # format=="DIN-A2":
elif sWidth=="841": # format=="DIN-A1":
elif sWidth=="1189": # format=="DIN-A0":
else :
#- indexCenter and indexMiddle contain strings but floating point
# numbers are needed to calculate
#- horizontal index separators
for value in range(0,max):
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexX,indexUpper,"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexX,indexLower,"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexX,indexUpper,"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexX,indexLower,"v"," 5")+"\n")
#- vertical index separators
for value in range(0,max):
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexLeft, indexY,"h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexRight,indexY,"h"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexLeft, indexY,"h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(indexRight,indexY,"h"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"indexes\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:3.5;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;\
#- position point values of indexes
#- horizontal indexes, numbers
for value in range(0,max):
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexX,indexUpper,str(int(indexCountX/2+value+1)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexX,indexLower,str(int(indexCountX/2+value+1)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexX,indexUpper,str(int(indexCountX/2-value)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexX,indexLower,str(int(indexCountX/2-value)))+"\n")
#- vertical indexes, letters
for value in range(0,max):
if int(indexCountY/2+value+1)>9 : # to avoid the letter J
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexLeft,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2+value+2)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexRight,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2+value+2)))+"\n")
else :
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexLeft,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2+value+1)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexRight,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2+value+1)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexLeft,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2-value)))+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(indexRight,indexY,chr(64+int(indexCountY/2-value)))+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
#- puncher mark
t.write(" <g id=\"puncher mark\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#b0b0b0;stroke-width:0.25;\
if sWidth in["1189", "841", "594"] : # A3 and A4 have extended middle markings
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(dAL-sFL),str(int(sHeight)-(297/2)),"h","-10")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
#- folding marks
t.write(" <g id=\"folding marks\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#b0b0b0;stroke-width:0.25;\
if sWidth=="420": # DIN-A3
t.write(" "+svgpath("125",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("125",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("230",str(dAT-sFT),"v","-5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("230",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
elif sWidth=="594": # DIN-A2
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("402",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("402",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("105",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 5","123","h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(int(sWidth)-dAR+sFR),"123","h"," 5")+"\n")
elif sWidth=="841": # DIN-A1
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("400",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("400",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("651",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("651",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("105",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 5","297","h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(int(sWidth)-dAR+sFR),"297","h"," 5")+"\n")
elif sWidth=="1189": # DIN-A0
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("210",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("400",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("400",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("590",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("590",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("780",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("780",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("999",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("999",str(int(sHeight)-dAB+sFB),"v"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath("105",str(dAT-sFT),"v"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 5","247","h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(int(sWidth)-dAR+sFR),"247","h"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 5","544","h"," -5")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(int(sWidth)-dAR+sFR),"544","h"," 5")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
- Title block movable
def createTitleBlock(file_path):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
#- set static texts
tb_author = title_block.author_name
tb_created = title_block.date_of_creation
tb_supervisor = title_block.supervisor_name
tb_approved = title_block.date_of_approval
tb_format = title_block.sheet_format
tb_scale = title_block.sheet_scale
tb_weight = title_block.weight
tb_owner = title_block.owner
tb_version = title_block.version
tb_sheet = title_block.sheet_count
#- lower left corner
tbX=str(int(sWidth)-dAR-180) # 180 according to DIN EN ISO 7200
#- group to move allelements in one step
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock\"\n")
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+tbX+","+tbY+")\">\n")
t.write(" \n\n")
#- title block
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-frame\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.35;\
stroke-linecap:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4\">\n") if sWidth != "210": # DIN-A4 t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0"," 0"," 0","-63")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0","-63","180"," 0")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0"," -4","h","155")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0","-16","h","155")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0","-30","h","155")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0","-46.5","h"," 50")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 25"," -4","v","-26")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath(" 50"," -4","v","-59")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("140"," -4","v","-12")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155"," 0","v","-63")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("160"," 0","v","-63")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155"," -7","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-14","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-21","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-28","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-35","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-42","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-49","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgpath("155","-56","h"," 25")+"\n") t.write(" \n")
- small texts, left-aligned
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-text-non-editable\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:2.5;text-anchor:start;fill:#000000;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-60 ", tb_author)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-52 ", tb_created)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-43.5 ", tb_supervisor)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-35.5 ", tb_approved)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-27 ", tb_format)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 1.5","-13 ", tb_scale)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 26.5","-13 ", tb_weight)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 51.5","-27 ", tb_owner)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext(" 51.5","-13 ", tb_version)+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("141.5","-13 ", tb_sheet)+"\n") t.write(" \n")
- revision indexes, centered
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-revision-indexes\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:5.0;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5"," -1.5 ","A")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5"," -8.5 ","B")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-15.5 ","C")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-22.5 ","D")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-29.5 ","E")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-36.5 ","F")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-43.5 ","G")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-50.5 ","H")+"\n") t.write(" "+svgtext("157.5","-57.5 ","I")+"\n") t.write(" \n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
- Title block editable texts
def createEditableText(file_path):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
#- offsets for editable texts
edX=int(sWidth)-dAR-180 # 180 according to DIN EN ISO 7200
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-editable-owner\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:3.5;text-anchor:start;fill:#0000d0;\
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Owner",str(edX+65),str(edY-27.0),"Owner")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-editable-address\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:2.5;text-anchor:start;fill:#0000d0;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Address-1",str(edX+65),str(edY-23.5),"Address1")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Address-2",str(edX+65),str(edY-20.0),"Address2")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("MailTo", str(edX+65),str(edY-16.5),"MailTo")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Copyright",str(edX+2), str(edY-1.0), "Copyright")+"\n") t.write(" \n")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-editable-medium\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:5;text-anchor:start;fill:#0000d0;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Author", str(edX+2), str(edY-55.0),"Author")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("AuDate", str(edX+7), str(edY-47.5),"YYYY/MM/DD")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Supervisor",str(edX+2), str(edY-38.5),"Supervisor")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("SvDate", str(edX+7), str(edY-31.0),"YYYY/MM/DD")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("SubTitle", str(edX+64), str(edY-42.0),"Sub-title")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Version", str(edX+60), str(edY-8.0), "Version")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-A",str(edX+162),str(edY-1.5), "__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-B",str(edX+162),str(edY-8.5), "__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-C",str(edX+162),str(edY-15.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-D",str(edX+162),str(edY-22.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-E",str(edX+162),str(edY-29.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-F",str(edX+162),str(edY-36.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-G",str(edX+162),str(edY-43.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-H",str(edX+162),str(edY-50.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Revision-I",str(edX+162),str(edY-57.5),"__")+"\n") t.write(" \n")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-editable-centered\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:5;text-anchor:middle;fill:#0000d0;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Format", str(edX+12), str(edY-21),"A3")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Sheets", str(edX+148),str(edY-8), "1 / 1")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Scale", str(edX+12), str(edY-8), "1 : 1")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Weight", str(edX+35), str(edY-8), "___ kg")+"\n") t.write(" \n")
t.write(" <g id=\"titleblock-editable-Large\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-size:7;text-anchor:start;fill:#0000d0;\
font-family:osifont\">\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("Title", str(edX+62),str(edY-50),"Drawing Title")+"\n") t.write(" "+FCeditext("PtNumber",str(edX+62),str(edY-32),"Part Number")+"\n") t.write(" \n\n") t.close
- Title block Freecad logo
def createFreecadLogo(file_path):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" <g id=\"freecad-logo-F\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"display:inline\"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#000000\"\n")
t.write(" stroke-width=\"0.25\"\n")
t.write(" fill=\"rgb(255, 50, 50)\"\n")
t.write(" fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n")
stX=int(sWidth) - dAR - 128
stY=int(sHeight) - dAB - 12
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+str(stX)+","+str(stY)+") scale(0.6)\">\n")
t.write(" <path d=\"m0.1524,0.15254 v8.8549 h1.9744 v-3.4652 h1.396 \
v-1.3661 h-1.396 v-1.4745 h3.4391 v-2.5441 l-5.4135 -0.005z\"/>\n") t.write(" \n")
t.write(" <g id=\"freecad-logo-Cog\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"display:inline\"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#000000\"\n")
t.write(" stroke-width=\"0.25\"\n")
t.write(" fill=\"rgb(50, 50, 255)\"\n")
t.write(" fill-rule=\"evenodd\"\n")
stX=int(sWidth) - dAR - 128
stY=int(sHeight) - dAB - 12
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+str(stX)+","+str(stY)+") scale(0.6)\">\n")
t.write(" <path d=\"m7.7927,3.4504 -0.50715,-0.176 -0.48387 -1.2366 \
-0.76115 0.04 -0.34718 1.2787 -0.4859 0.23269 -1.2119 -0.53015 -0.51188 0.56882 \ 0.65892 1.1485 -0.18006 0.50567 -1.2366 0.48387 0.044064 0.76263 1.2787 0.34718 \ 0.23269 0.4859 -0.53421 1.2104 0.56882 0.51188 1.1485 -0.65891 0.50973 0.18155 \ 0.4798 1.2351 0.7667 -0.04258 0.34311 -1.2802 0.4859 -0.23269 1.2145 0.5357 \ 0.51188 -0.56882 -0.65891 -1.1485 0.17748 -0.51122 1.2351 -0.4798 -0.03851 -0.76521 \ -1.2802 -0.34311 -0.23269 -0.4859 0.53163 -1.216 -0.56881 -0.51184z \ m-0.5715 1.2244 0.23576 0.13679 0.20426 0.18519 0.16353 0.22101 0.11763 0.24572 \ 0.06916 0.26489 0.01146 0.27146 -0.03921 0.27139 -0.08948 0.25764 -0.14234 0.23834 \ -0.17964 0.2016 -0.22101 0.16353 -0.24572 0.11763 -0.26489 0.06916 -0.27295 0.01553 \ -0.2719 -0.04 -0.2576 -0.089 -0.2383 -0.143 -0.2002 -0.183 -0.165 -0.217 \ -0.1177 -0.246 -0.0676 -0.269 -0.0156 -0.273 0.039206 -0.2714 0.089484 -0.25764 \ 0.14085 -0.23427 0.18113 -0.20574 0.22101 -0.16352 0.24572 -0.11763 0.26895 -0.06768 \ 0.27147-0.01146 0.27139 0.03921 0.25764 0.08948z\"/>\n") t.write(" \n\n") t.close
- Symbol for projection method
def createProjectionSymbol(file_path):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
# order top and side symbols
if projectionGroupAngle() == 1:
# Third angle projection
top_offset = "-3.5"
side_offset = "3.5"
# First angle projection
top_offset = "3.5"
side_offset = "-3.5"
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" <g id=\"Projection-symbol\"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#000000\"\n")
t.write(" stroke-width=\"0.18\"\n")
t.write(" stroke-linecap=\"round\"\n")
t.write(" stroke-linejoin=\"round\"\n")
t.write(" fill=\"none\"\n")
stX=int(sWidth) - dAR - 142
stY=int(sHeight)- dAB - 23
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+str(stX)+","+str(stY)+")\">\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"Top\"\n")
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+top_offset+","+"0.0"+")\">\n")
t.write(" <circle cx=\"0.0\" cy=\"0.0\" r=\"1.0\"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#0000d0\" stroke-width=\"0.35\"/>\n")
t.write(" <circle cx=\"0.0\" cy=\"0.0\" r=\"2.0\"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#0000d0\" stroke-width=\"0.35\"/>\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -2.5 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -1.15"," 0 ","h"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -0.5 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0.85"," 0 ","h"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 1.5 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0 ","-2.5 ","v"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0 ","-1.15","v"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0 ","-0.5 ","v"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0 "," 0.85","v"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 0 "," 1.5 ","v"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"Side\"\n")
t.write(" transform=\"translate("+side_offset+","+"0.0"+")\">\n")
t.write(" <path d=\"m -2.5 1.0 v -2.0 l 5.0 -1.0 v 4.0 z \"\n")
t.write(" stroke=\"#0000d0\" stroke-width=\"0.35\"/>\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -3.0 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -0.5 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 2.0 "," 0 ","h"," 1")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" -1.4 "," 0 ","h"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(" 1.1 "," 0 ","h"," 0.3")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
def createBOMLines(file_path,bom_rows):
- set sheet dimensions
sWidth = sheet_format.width
sHeight = sheet_format.height
#- set frame offsets
dAB = borders.drawing_area_bottom
dAR = borders.drawing_area_right
if bom_rows == 0:
max_rows = (int(bom_rows)+1)
t=open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8")
t.write(" <g id=\"bill-of-material\">\n")
# BOM base line
t.write(" <g style=\"stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.35;stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
if sWidth=="210": # format=="DIN-A4":
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY-8)," 180"," 0 ")+"\n")
else :
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY-8)," 180"," 0 ")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY) ," 0"," -8 ")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
# Field separators
t.write(" <g style=\"stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.18;stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 10),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 20),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 30),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 60),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+120),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+140),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+160),str(stY),"v"," -8")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
# Non-editable Texts
t.write(" <g id=\"BOM-h35-non-editable\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-family:osifont;font-size:3.5;text-anchor:middle;fill:#000000\">\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+ 5),str(stY-4),bom_list.position)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+ 15),str(stY-4),bom_list.amount)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+ 25),str(stY-4),bom_list.unit)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+ 45),str(stY-4),bom_list.title)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+ 90),str(stY-4),bom_list.number)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+130),str(stY-4),bom_list.material)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+150),str(stY-4),bom_list.mass)+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgtext(str(stX+170),str(stY-4),bom_list.remark)+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
# Editable Lines
t.write(" <g id=\"BOM-Line\">\n")
stY -= 8
for value in range(1,max_rows):
t.write(" <g style=\"stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.35;stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
if sWidth=="210": # format=="DIN-A4":
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY-6)," 180"," 0 ")+"\n")
else :
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY-6)," 180"," 0 ")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX),str(stY) ," 0"," -6 ")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g style=\"stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.18;stroke-linecap:round\">\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 10),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 20),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 30),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+ 60),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+120),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+140),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" "+svgpath(str(stX+160),str(stY),"v"," -6")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
# Editable Texts
t.write(" <g id=\"BOM-editable-left-aligned\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-family:osifont;font-size:3.5;text-anchor:start;fill:#0000d0\">\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Partname"+str(value),str(stX+32),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("PartNumber"+str(value),str(stX+62),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Material"+str(value),str(stX+122),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Remark"+str(value),str(stX+162),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"BOM-editable-right-aligned\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-family:osifont;font-size:3.5;text-anchor:end;fill:#0000d0\">\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Position"+str(value),str(stX+9),str(stY-2),str(value))+"\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Amount"+str(value),str(stX+19),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Mass"+str(value),str(stX+159),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" <g id=\"BOM-editable-centered\"\n")
t.write(" style=\"font-family:osifont;font-size:3.5;text-anchor:middle;fill:#0000d0\">\n")
t.write(" "+FCeditext("Unit"+str(value),str(stX+25),str(stY-2),"-")+"\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" </g>\n")
t.write(" </g>\n\n")
def existingPages(document):
this counts existing pages in the active document
for entry in document.Objects:
if entry.Name[:4] == "Page":
number_of_pages += 1
return number_of_pages
def updateSheetTotal(total_pages, document):
update the number of sheets on earlier sheets
count_down = total_pages
while count_down > 1:
count_down -= 1
if count_down < 10:
# insert leading zero
current_page = ("Page"+ "0"+ str(count_down))
current_page = ("Page"+ str(count_down))
editable_texts = document.getObject(current_page).Template.EditableTexts
editable_texts["Sheets"] = (str(count_down) + "/" + str(total_pages))
document.getObject(current_page).Template.EditableTexts = editable_texts
def setOwnerData(): = "Owner / Company" owner_data.address1 = "Address-1" owner_data.address2 = "Address-2" owner_data.mailTo = "" owner_data.copyright = "All rights reserved"
def getAuthor():
Reads the user name from the preferences settings
parameter_path = App.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Document")
author_name = parameter_path.GetString("prefAuthor")
if author_name == "":
author_name = "not set yet"
return author_name
def getDate(): today = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # %Y: YYYY, %y: YY return today
def getVersion():
Reads the FreeCAD version from the running application
av = App.Version()
if av[2] == "0":
app_version = ("FreeCAD v. " + av[0] + "." + av[1] + "." + av[2] + " - " + av[3])
app_version = ("FreeCAD v. " + av[0] + "." + av[1] + "." + av[2])
return app_version
def projectionGroupAngle():
Reads the projection convention from the preferences settings
parameter_path = App.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/TechDraw/General")
projection_angle = parameter_path.GetInt("ProjectionAngle")
return projection_angle
def main():
Gui to select some presets
form = InputWindow()
if form.result == "Cancelled":
template_file = form.template_file
createSvgFile(template_file) # overwrites existing File
startSvg(template_file) # adds Start tag and namespaces
createBOMLines(template_file, form.input_BOM_rows.value())
# At this point a new SVG-file is generated and saved
# and shall be attached to the active document
# -- Add a page and a template to the active document --
active_doc = App.activeDocument()
# add a page to the active document
#- count existing pages
how_many = existingPages(active_doc)
how_many += 1 # for the following new page
#- Define the new page's name (with only 2 trailing digits)
if how_many < 10:
# insert leading zero
new_page = ("Page"+ "0"+ str(how_many))
new_page = ("Page"+ str(how_many))
# set template number according to page number
new_template = ('Template' + new_page[4:])
# add a page object to the active document
# add a template object to the active document
# load the svg template into the template object
active_doc.getObject(new_template).Template = template_file
# add the template object to the page's object list
active_doc.getObject(new_page).Template = active_doc.getObject(new_template)
#create entries on first page or copy from first page
#- check for arch formats and A4 landscape
if form.result_format[:4] == "Arch":
sheet_format = form.result_format
elif form.result_format == "ISO A4-":
sheet_format = "A4"
sheet_format = form.result_format[-2:]
if how_many == 1:
# update entries on first sheet
editable_texts = active_doc.getObject(new_page).Template.EditableTexts
#- EditableTexts is a dictionary automatically created when the Template is inserted
# Listed are all keys and (default) values - as created with the template above
editable_texts["Owner"] =
editable_texts["Address-1"] = owner_data.address1
editable_texts["Address-2"] = owner_data.address2
editable_texts["MailTo"] = owner_data.mailTo
editable_texts["Copyright"] = owner_data.copyright
editable_texts["Author"] = getAuthor()
editable_texts["AuDate"] = getDate()
#editable_texts["Supervisor"] = "Supervisor"
#editable_texts["SvDate"] = "YYYY/MM/DD"
#editable_texts["SubTitle"] = "Sub-title"
editable_texts["Version"] = getVersion()
#editable_texts["Revision-A"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-B"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-C"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-D"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-E"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-F"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-G"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-H"] = "______"
#editable_texts["Revision-I"] = "______"
editable_texts["Format"] = sheet_format
#editable_texts["Sheets"] = "1 / 1"
#editable_texts["Scale"] = "1 : 1"
#editable_texts["Weight"] = "Weight"
#editable_texts["Title"] = "Title"
#editable_texts["PtNumber"] = "Part number"
active_doc.getObject(new_page).Template.EditableTexts = editable_texts
# copy some entries from first sheet that are identical on all sheets
existing_texts = active_doc.Page01.Template.EditableTexts
editable_texts = active_doc.getObject(new_page).Template.EditableTexts
editable_texts["Owner"] = existing_texts["Owner"]
editable_texts["Address-1"] = existing_texts["Address-1"]
editable_texts["Address-2"] = existing_texts["Address-2"]
editable_texts["MailTo"] = existing_texts["MailTo"]
editable_texts["Copyright"] = existing_texts["Copyright"]
editable_texts["Author"] = getAuthor()
editable_texts["AuDate"] = getDate()
#editable_texts["Supervisor"] = existing_texts["Supervisor"]
#editable_texts["SvDate"] = existing_texts["SvDate"]
editable_texts["SubTitle"] = existing_texts["SubTitle"]
editable_texts["Version"] = getVersion()
#editable_texts["Revision-A"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-B"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-C"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-D"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-E"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-F"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-G"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-H"] = existing_texts["______"]
#editable_texts["Revision-I"] = existing_texts["______"]
editable_texts["Format"] = sheet_format
editable_texts["Sheets"] = (str(how_many) + "/" + str(how_many))
#editable_texts["Scale"] = existing_texts["Scale"]
editable_texts["Weight"] = existing_texts["Weight"]
editable_texts["Title"] = existing_texts["Title"]
editable_texts["PtNumber"] = existing_texts["PtNumber"]
active_doc.getObject(new_page).Template.EditableTexts = editable_texts
# update the number of sheets on earlier sheets
updateSheetTotal(how_many, active_doc)
# rename 'Page' according to the title block label
active_doc.getObject(new_page).Label = (title_block.sheet_count[:-1] + " " + new_page[4:])
# open the page object for editing
if name == 'main':
This will be true only if the file is "executed"
# but not if imported as module
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