FreeCAD Build Tool
The FreeCAD build tool or fcbt is a python script located at
``` It can be used to simplify some frequent tasks in building, distributing and extending FreeCAD.
## Usage
With [Python](wikipedia:Python_(programming_language).md) correctly installed, *fcbt* can be invoked by the command
``` It displays a menu, where you can select the task you want to use it for:
FreeCAD Build Tool
fcbt <command name> [command parameter]
possible commands are:
- DistSrc (DS) Build a source Distr. of the current source tree
- DistBin (DB) Build a binary Distr. of the current source tree
- DistSetup (DI) Build a Setup Distr. of the current source tree
- DistSetup (DUI) Build a User Setup Distr. of the current source tree
- DistAll (DA) Run all three above modules
- NextBuildNumber (NBN) Increase the Build Number of this Version
- CreateModule (CM) Insert a new FreeCAD Module (Workbench) in the module directory
For help on the modules type:
fcbt <command name> ?
``` At the input prompt enter the abbreviated command you want to call. For example type \"CM\" for [creating a module](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Workbench_creation).
### DistSrc
The command \"DS\" **creates a source distribution** of the current source tree.
### DistBin
The command \"DB\" **creates a binary distribution** of the current source tree.
### DistSetup
The command \"DI\" **creates a setup distribution** of the current source tree.
### DistSetup
The command \"DUI\" **creates a user setup distribution** of the current source tree.
### DistAll
The command \"DA\" executes \"DS\", \"DB\" and \"DI\" in sequence.
### NextBuildNumber
The \"NBN\" command **increments the build number** to create a new release version of FreeCAD.
### CreateModule
The \"CM\" command [creates a new application module (Workbench)](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Workbench_creation).
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