GuiCommand: Name: FEM SolverControl MenuLocation: Solve , Solver job control Workbenches: FEM_Workbench Shortcut: S T SeeAlso: FEM_SolverRun
FEM SolverControl
This command is used to control the FEM solver (write the input file, edit it, and trigger the solver).
- Select the Solver object in the Tree view, e.g., for CalcuilX solver
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Press the
Solver job control button.
- Select the Solve →
Solver job control option from the menu.
- Use the keyboard shortcut: S then T.
- Press the
- Optionally, edit working directory.
- Optionally, select analysis type.
- Click Write .inp file to write the input file.
- Optionally, click Edit .inp file.
- Input file will open so you can edit it and save by Ctrl+S.
- Click Run CalculiX to trigger the solver.
- The solution may take considerable time for large models.
- Default working directory can be changed in Edit → Preferences → FEM
- Controls for other solvers may differ.
- The simplified version of the command is
Run solver calculation.
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