GuiCommand: Name: Design456 Extract MenuLocation: Design456_Tools , 3DTools , Extract Workbenches: Design456 Workbench Shortcut: None SeeAlso:
Design456 Extract
The Extract face lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur at felis ut urna auctor pharetra id at nulla. . This tool is part of the external workbench called Design456.
- Switch to the
Design456 workbench (install from
Addon Manager is necessary, if not previously installed)
- Select a face of an object, run the
Extract command. A copy of the face will be created. Might be difficult to see it but it is there.
This might be helpful to create a 2D drawing of a complex shape that you later manipulate to get another 3D shape after extrusion.
Works on 3D objects.
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