GuiCommand: Name: Assembly3 ConstraintEqualRadius Icon: Assembly_ConstraintEqualRadius.svg Workbenches: Assembly3_Workbench
Assembly3 ConstraintEqualRadius
The Equal radius command constrains the radius of a 2D circle or arc made with
Draft Workbench tools in relation with a
It links the radius of the 2D circle or arc with the radius of another 2D circle or arc.
The radius value of the first selected circle or arc equals the radius value of the second circle or arc.
Select a 2D circle or arc to constrain.
Select another 2D circle or arc to read its radius value.
Activate the
Equal radius command using the:
**<img src="" width=16px> [Equal radius](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_ConstraintEqualRadius)
Press the
Solve constraints or the
Quick solve button to recompute
: (if **<img src="" width=16px> [Auto recompute](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_AutoRecompute)** and **<img src="" width=16px> [Smart recompute](wiki-test2.php?gitpage=Assembly3_SmartRecompute)** are disabled).
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