Animation Workbench
Animation Toolkit for FreeCAD
This Workbench can be used to create sequences of pictures.
It is still under construction - all contributions welcomed ...
- Author: microelly2
- Home page: Animation
- Source code on github: Animation
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager. For manual installation see Installing more workbenches.
Detailed description here
Drop down menu
**Mover**: moves objects during a time intervall along the motion Vector.
**Rotator**: rotates objects during a time intervall. Further parameters are Rotation Axis/Direction, Center of Rotation and Angle.
**Tranquillizer**: slows the render process if the animation runs to fast.
**Photographer**: creates a picture of a given format and size to a render directory for every time step.
**Plugger**: connects a newly created object to an already animated shuttle object or to a vertex of an animated sketch to enable using sketcher to calculate complex transformations with some constraints by means of the shuttle object.
**Adjuster**: enables to calculate a value by a basic linear function. Now sketches can become animated by changing values in constraints.
**Styler**: controls the Gui-object. Visibility, Transparency and Shape Color can be changed on the fly.
**Billboard**: Billboard and Moviescreen are features to display extra information like texts or images during the animation.
**Moviescreen**: Billboard and Moviescreen are features to display extra information like texts or images during the animation.
**Extruder**: can be used to demonstrate the functionality of a miller or a 3D printer.
**Bounder**: limits the values of the Placement to an intervall. It is the projection of a motion to a min/max limited space.
**Filler**: can be used to fill the volume of a part from bottom to top like to fill a bottle with wine. It can work as running slice trough the part like a ct scan.
**Gearing**: animates the rotation of 2 or 3 gears or a star-planet-moon system.
**Kartan**: animates a Kardan joint.
**Case action**:
**False action**:
**Follow me**:
**Loop action**:
**Query action**:
**Repeat action**:
**Script action**:
**True action**:
**While action**:
Links to Animation WB
- Workbench Wiki:
- FreeCAD Wiki:
- FreeCAD Forum:
- Tutorials: Toolset
- Videos: Animation videos
- Files: Examples
- Test cases: Test cases
- Report bugs: Please report bugs at FreeCAD forum, or at Animation issues
Other useful links
- ExplodedAnimation: FreeCAD workbench to create exploded views and animations of assemblies.
- Assembly2: Assembly workbench for FreeCAD with support for importing parts from external files.
- External workbenches
⏵ documentation index > User Documentation > Addons > External Workbenches > Animation Workbench
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